Nike Knows Training – 2009 Summit


Nike has been on the cutting edge of training shoe design and innovation for over 20 years, and now to pay homage to their rich heritage, they have combined some of their classic design elements with new technological advancements to create a Trainer for the growing demands of today’s top athletes. Last week, Nike unveiled their eagerly anticipated new Nike Trainer 1 model at the Nike Knows Training Summit at UC Irvine in California. To spice up the event, Nike invited some of their biggest name athletes to answer some questions and to join some local students in a training workout. Several top performers in their respective sports like Adrian Peterson, Troy Polamalu, Amar’e Stoudemire, Brandon Roy, Bryan Clay and Matt James were on hand to join in the fun, and of course to show off their own personalized Trainer 1’s. Be sure to keep reading after the jump for an inside look at the event, the Nike Trainer 1 and a display of classic Nike Trainer models and ad campaigns. Via Freshness.

Classic Nike training footwear and advertisements filling the entrance way to the Summit

Display showing off the new 2009 Nike Trainer 1

The original Air Trainer 1 worn and signed by John McEnroe

Air Trainer 1 display with original design sketch

Nike Trainers signed by Bo Jackson

Classic Bo Jackson baseball/football ad

Nike Air Bags circa 1985

Nike Air Carnivore

Autographed Nike Air Griffey Max display

Nike Trainer 1 PE’s

Designer Aaron Cooper introducing the Trainer 1

Jim Grey with Kris Aman

Jim Grey with Amar’e Stoudemire

Jim Grey talks with Decathlon Gold Medalist Bryan Clay

Nike Athlete panel

Amar’e’s Trainer 1 PE’s

Amar’e Stoudemire with Adrian Peterson

Brandon Roy and Bryan Clay

Larry Fitzgerald, Amar’e Stoudemire, Adrian Peterson and Brandon Roy

Brandon Roy hanging with UCI students

Nike Knows Training 2009 Summit crew

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