Vans Waffle Sole iPhone Case

Vans Waffle Sole Ipod Case 1

Vans Waffle Sole Ipod Case 1

Quick — which of your friends has the most unique and appealing smartphone case?  Chances are, you can pick a winner instantly, because even as many handsets as are on the market these days, the ability to personalize and protect your phone with a case is what makes even the most popular lineup-impetus stand out.  So when rumors of a Vans Waffle Sole case for the iPhone 4 started to circulate, you can only imagine how many Cali-styled skate sneakerheads were thrilled at the chance to eschew black or white for gum.  This new set of images suggests that they’re a bit wider-spread than previously thought, and offer a strong suggestion that this product will in fact make it to retail sometime soon.  Click through to see more angles, and let us know which sneaker’s traction pattern or signature texture you’d most like to see wrapped around your digital life.  via Complex

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