Do you ever wonder where Nike sneakers are made? Which countries around the world create the apparel, footwear, and gear that constitute the Swoosh empire? The brand actually has an interactive map to answer just that question. The Nike Manufacturing Map has demographics on the million workers worldwide that are involved in making Nike products (Mind you the factories aren’t Nike owned, but rather contracted out to put their products together). While the aforementioned 1 million workers is certainly a big number, it might be getting smaller in the coming years given recent Nike moves. They got rid of around 100,000 manufacturing jobs in the past year, and they’ve become increasingly focused on automated modes of manufacturing (See Nike Flyknit) that might make events like the recent factory strikes a thing of the past. Get a look at the manufacturing map here and let us know in the comments if you’ve got any opinions on Nike’s moves away from traditional manufacturing.
Source: Biz Journals