Tokyo-based Hender Scheme blew up in the sneaker scene thanks to their high-quality replicas of Air Jordan Retros that some sneakerheads paid top dollar for. While it seems that Jordan Brand isn’t going after them by any legal route, the logo is putting out high-quality versions of Retros that are all-too-similar to the tan leather goodies that the Japanese brand has been known to do. The next Air Jordan 1 Pinnacle release may be this pristine tan-uppered pair, and at $400, you’re getting an official Jordan product at less than half the cost of the faux pair. So, if Jordan Brand continues to bring tan leather to Jordan Retros, the mystique around Hender Scheme may soon fizzle out. Get a detailed look at the upcoming AJ1 Pinnacle release here and stay tuned for an update on these in our Jordan Releases page.
Source: kenlu