Amber Rose Says She Has A Sneaker Deal

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Amber Rose has been a mainstay in the hip-hop world ever since she burst on the scene as Kanye West’s model girlfriend. Since then, she’s transitioned into being an author with How to be a Bad Bitch and has promoted empowering women with her SlutWalk to honor all women who have felt judged or demeaned. Amber joined Complex News’s Everyday Struggle team to open up about her relationship with 21 Savage, talk Kanye, and even reveal that she has an upcoming sneaker deal, saying at the 26-minute mark: “I got a sneaker deal coming out. You know, I wasn’t supposed to have a sneaker deal, I was a stripper. It was not supposed to be this good for me. But, I know how to talk to people. I’m not a manipulator, I’m not a fucked up person, I’m just a cool ass Philly chick that learned her way through life.” Amber doesn’t open up about which brand is sponsoring her sneaker deal, but stay tuned.

Photo: The Daily Beast

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