We’ve been seeing previews of this model off and on since this past May, but those Sneaker News readers with memories sharp enough to remember that initial preview will also recall that they’ve always been slated for a spring 2012 debut. So though it feels like an eternity since we first laid eyes upon the Nike Air Max Barkley, it’s actually arriving about a week earlier than we could have expected. This first colorway seems appropriate with its mostly white build adding Old Royal and Gym Red hits in honor of Sir Charles’ early years with the Philadelphia 76ers, the team with whom Chuck built his rebellious public persona and earned the nickname ‘The Round Mound of Rebound’. The Air Max Barkley, like Charles in his earlier days, is decidedly sleeker than the Air Max2 CB ’94 silo upon which it was based, and you’ll find them at select Nike Sportswear retailers like Premier.
Nike Air Max Barkley
White/White-Old Royal-Gym Red