Does this Nike Roshe Run set remind you at all of a certain group of Nike Air Max 90 Hyperfuses that released last year? We’re talking about the “USA” set that featured tonal red, white, and blue versions and that has since seen its stock rise so much thanks to some Kanye wears. These Roshes aren’t quite there, they’re missing the navy to complete the set and the white is more sail than true white, but the equation still feels familiar. Continue reading to see both of the upcoming releases in better detail and let us know if you’ll be grabbing either.
Source: Inflammable
Nike Roshe Run HYP
Color: Sail/Sail-Medium Ore-Wood Brown-Volt
Style Code: 642233-100
Nike Roshe Run HYP
Color: Laser Crimson/Laser Crimson-Black-Volt
Style Code: 642233-600