Dwyane Wade is Jordan Brand‘s premier endorsee, the guy who wears the Air Jordan flagship model as Michael’s own heir apparent. So when D-Wade showed up in practice and even a game this season rocking the Air Jordan Evolution ’85, some were wondering why he’d be wearing anything other than a Legacy model or perhaps his own upcoming signature. But actually the Evolution ’85 is intended to show what the Air Jordan 1 might look like were it crafted today, so it’s on equal footing (if not slightly more stable thanks to the forefoot strap) with the AJ Alpha 1. Jordan Brand crafted a Evolution 85 minisite so you can see how the AJ1 has evolved over the years. Click and drag your way thru history and let us know: are the Alpha 1 and Evolution ’85s more of a good thing or should the Air Jordan 1 remain untouched?