adidas Hoops is proud to present their “Black History Month” Collection inspired by a trail-blazer in his own right: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Each pair pays homage to a time in Kareem’s illustrious basketball career, from the adidas Crazy 8 nodding at Abdul-Jabbar’s highly followed high school beginnings, to the adidas J Wall 1 referencing the NBA leading scorer’s time at UCLA. A portion of proceeds will go to Karrem’s Sky Hook Foundation, a charity aimed at improving the lives of underpriviledged youth. Check out a better view of the three stripes’ basketball collection and know that the adidas Crazy 8 ($110) will arrive on January 23rd. Both the adidas J Wall 1 ($115) and adidas D Rose 5 Boost ($140) will drop on January 30th, and the freshly minted adidas D Lillard 1 ($105) will follow on February 6th. You can find more updates in our Release Dates page.