Earlier than any year in its nearly three decade run, Nike Running’s Air Max series releases its new installment before the new year even begins. You can get a head start on training to get in beach shape with the Nike Air Max+ 2014, which has been available on NIKEiD for a few weeks and is releasing today in its first inline colorways. Among three pairs we have two based in black, with one going the traditional blackout route and another fining a halfway point between that darker style and the colorful Gamma Blue edition whose Total Orange and Volt accents set the stage for all Air Max 2014 aesthetics to come. Click through for a closer look at all three pairs, then pick your favorite from NikeStore or eBay.
Nike Air Max+ 2014
Color: Gamma Blue/Black-Total Orange-Volt
Style Code: 621077-407
Color: Anthracite/Sail-Light Crimson-Atomic Orange
Style Code: 621077-006
Color: Black/Reflective Silver-Anthracite-Dark Grey
Style Code: 621077-001
Source: NikeStore