1984 will always echo in the collective unconscious as a year of technological advancements thanks to the infamous Orwell book, and adidas didn’t miss out on the opportunity to introduce a smart sneaker in the adidas Micropacer for the occasion. The sneaker featured a metallic silver sheen and a microprocessor that tracked the wearer’s distance travelled and even, to some extent, calories burned for a futuristic take on running. The three stripes is now celebrating the 30th anniversary of said sneaker by bringing back the OG pair after collaborative efforts with UNDFTD x Neighborhood and an unexpected snakeskin. Stick with us for a better look at the celebratory return of the original Micropacer and let us know if you plan on grabbing a pair from select shops like Packer Shoes when they arrive this Saturday, August 16th.
Source: Packer Shoes