First debuted in 1992, Sailor Moon is undoubtedly one of the most iconic anime series of all-time, ranking highly alongside Dragon Ball, One Piece, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and the like. From its transformation sequences to the suave allure of Tuxedo Mask, the show has had a lasting impact on the industry as a whole, often referenced to this day. Even Vans is about to pay their own homage to Naoko Takeuchi’s work, doing so by way of an expansive collaborative capsule.
The footwear includes a range of women’s, men’s, and kid’s styles, all inspired by characters from the series. For example, the Sk8-Hi Stacked, which mixes various textiles with satin hits and smooth leathers, borrows Sailor Moon’s transformation brooch and bow. Moreover, the slides, Authentics, and Old Skools also celebrate the protagonist, putting her image alongside that of Tuxedo Mask and fellow Sailor Guardians. Patchwork covered pairs, Slip-Ons made in the image of our titular hero’s talking cat Luna, and a wealth of accessories/apparel are also on the way.
Accompanying the above is a companion collection made in collaboration with professional skateboarder Lizzie Armanto, whose signature shoe — the Lizzie — is dressed with black and white screenshots from the show. A matching Old Skool and Slip-On arrive alongside, highlighting many of the same scenes.
For a closer look at the Sailor Moon x Vans capsule, see below. The collaboration will be available at and at select retailers on June 10th.
Sailor Moon x Vans
Release Date: June 10th, 2022
Make sure to follow @kicksfinder for live tweets during the release date.
Where to Buy
- VansAvailable Now
- Foot LockerAvailable Now