Geared for celestial travel in proud celebration, Nike’s latest Air Max Tailwind IV “Space Capsule” lies in full honor of China’s first manned mission into the stars; arriving alongside an entire pack, with design varying in all sorts of complexity, the pair connects in its palette of silvers, blues, and reds, inching forth in connection to both the suits of the astronauts themselves as well as the accents of the iconic Shenzhou 5 ship. Though some models added on flames in full jet propulsion, the Tailwind lies much more muted though with saturated hits of both its cool and warm tones lining much of the outward profile. Neutral blacks sit within the inner cages and intricate support beam, heel counters switch up between smooth leathers and textural mesh, while the toe up to the tongue is nearly true to the rocket’s metallic constructions. Grab a detailed look at the pair right here, and if you’re looking to pick these up, expect them to land back down to Earth at an early pop-up on August 24th and then a SNKRS China release on September 1st.
Nike Air Max Tailwind IV “Space Capsule”
Pop-Up Release Date: August 24th, 2019
SNKRS China Release Date: September 1st, 2019
Style Code: CJ7793-462