Nike Air Force 1s

The Nike Air Force 1 is a basketball sneaker first released by Nike in 1982. Click in for information, release dates, and new colorways for the Nike Air Force 1.

Nike Air Force 1s

Nike Air Force 1 iD – Nike Harajuku – Another Look

With the success of the Bespoke studio at 21 Mercer, Nike iD has saved (some) face since closing down its beloved iD Studio at 255...

By bam December 17, 2009

Nike Air Force 1 Premium iD – Harajuku iD Studio

The Nike Harajuku iD studio in Japan now has the Air Force 1 Premium available for customization. However, the Air Force 1 Premium iD is...

By John Kim December 10, 2009

Nike x Yi Jian Lian – 1World – Air Force 1 Supreme – Woven Edition

The last and final shoe from the Asia region in the Nike 1World Air Force 1 collaboration project will come from China and New Jersey...

By X April 21, 2009