The release of the Nike LeBron 11 “Everglades” has been postponed till May 31st, 2014. This news comes at a time when a lot of the May, 2014 Nike Basketball release dates seem to be in danger of shifting – the “What The” have disappeared from official calendars as have Kevin Durant’s “Brazil” KD 6s. You’ll have to wait a little bit longer for their arrival, as well as the arrival of the coinciding NIKEiD option, but we’ll keep you updated until then. See the “Everglades” Nike LeBrons after the click and then see what’s available in terms of early pairs from shoejocky on eBay.
Nike LeBron 11 “Everglades”
Color: Black/Metallic Silver-Wolf Grey-Atomic Mint
Style Code: 616175-006
Release Date: 05/31/14
Price: $200