Brian Villanueva

Brian Villanueva

Nike Zoom Revis “Mag” Customs – Available on eBay

When we first showed the Nike Zoom Revis “Mag” customs from Brina Villanueva there was not a sole who had anything but praise for the...

By Brendan Dunne April 25, 2013

Nike Zoom Revis “Mag” Customs by Brian Villaneuva

Over the last couple of years, the “custom sneaker” has been defined by an existing model made distinct by a new and creative colorway. Guys...

By John Kim March 19, 2013

adidas adiPower Howard 3 “TRON” Customs by Brian Villanueva

Brian Villanueva‘s Nike HyperMag custom was one of 2012’s standout after-market designs.  Adding a Mag 2011-style light-up feature to the Zoom Hyperdunk that’d relit the...

By Aaron Hope January 30, 2013

Nike HyperMag Customs by Brian Villanueva

The original Nike Mag designed was in fact a direct inspiration to Eric Avar’s Nike Hyperdunk of 2008, and sneaker customizer Brian Villanueva actually went...

By John Kim November 11, 2012

Nike “Wolfstein” Prototype Customs By Brian Villanueva

What sneaker customizers have in common is that they see a unique potential in an existing shoe that the general public may not see. Not...

By John Kim August 28, 2012