Way back, long before the Jordan Brand offshoot existed, the amount of Nike Air Jordan apparel in the marketplace was significantly less abundant than what we’re used to seeing nowadays. There was only so much Jordan apparel released each season, making it all the more coveted, and in retrospect, it made each piece of original Jordan apparel that much more memorable now. Each year, after the signature Jordan sneaker model (of course), the next most prized item from Nike’s annual Air Jordan collection was undeniably the warm-up suit. In an age where it was much more common to match all your gear from head to toe, the yearly warm-up suit that accompanied each Air Jordan sneaker release was nearly as sought-after as the shoes themselves.
Embodying the same kind of sleek style and slick aesthetic as the beloved Nike Air Jordan sneakers, those early warm-ups were a late 80’s/early 90’s status symbol, just like the kicks they complemented. With today’s oversaturated market and the overwhelming flood of Jordan Brand apparel filling every store, this type of phenomenon hasn’t been captured in quite some time. The classic Jordan sneaker models have pretty much all been retroed at this point, but when (if ever) will we see the return of some of this timelessly fresh gear? Keep reading to take a look at some forgotten Air Jordan flavor in the Bred installment of our vintage Air Jordan warm-up retrospective, and stay tuned for more coming later this week. Images via Flattophitop.