With some sneaker cakes, you’re just happy they’re made of sugar and flour because while a decent sneaker cake is better than none, some are obviously truer to their inspiration than others. Take for example this ‘Bred’ Air Jordan XI pastry cooked up by a young culinary student named Sandia, an edible replica you might have trouble discerning from the real thing from a distance. This cake nails all the details on the Eleven from its unmistakable glossy patent leather mudguard to the game changing carbon fiber shank plate. The only way these stray from the OG is their use of the new style AJXI box we’ve come to expect over the past few holidays, the kind of thing that has us wondering what a box with Bred 11s and a couple of shoe trees might look like (possibly in a year from now?). Click through to see more angles and let us know if this is the tastiest Air Jordan confection we’ve seen so far here on Sneaker News. via Just Whisk It!