What would happen if you took two of the most expressive Retro+ colorways from the pre-championship Air Jordan Legacy and made them into one? That’s exactly what sneaker customizer EBreez3 was looking to find out when he applied the all-yellow styling from last year’s ‘Tokyo 23’ Air Jordan V to the already unique Air Jordan III ‘Flip’. The resulting AJ3 ‘Flip Tokyo’ would instantly be in contention with 2010’s Doernbecher charity effort as the most visually engaging Threes ever, something like the III’s answer to the ‘Lightning’ IVs (and remember, both those 4s and the T23 Vs were selected last March by Sneaker News readers as among the eight best non-OGs from the entire Legacy). Let us know what you think of these as we ready for another round of ‘Thunder’ Fours and stick with Sneaker News for all the latest customs and Air Jordan release dates.
via PaintOrThread