The Nike KD 7 “35K Degrees” is headed to retailers tomorrow, July 12th, 2014. The sneaker has gotten off to a strong start this summer, first with its USA-themed debut and now with an even more eye-catching aesthetic. This vibrant pair stands out thanks to a Bright Mango Base while Volt arrives on the outsole and Air Max unit to give room for the subtle Light Magnet Grey midsole and strap to coexist. What do you think about the second retail release of KD’s seventh signature silhouette? Continue onward for a detailed look at this Nike KD 7, know that they’ll hit retailers like Sneaker Politics, and secure your pair early on eBay.
Source: Sneaker Politics
Nike KD 7 “35K Degrees”
Color: Bright Mango/Space Blue/Light Magnet Grey
Style Code: 653996-840
Release Date: 07/12/14
Price: $150 Available on eBay