While high-end sneakers are more present and accessible as they ever were in the past, traditional luxury sneakers are, too. The distinction between the two, however, is simple yet complex all at once. Balenciaga Arenas and, say, Nike Air Phytons are made in a similar style while looking nothing alike, and certainly don’t fall in the same price range. In the early stages of “luxe,” the first iterations were defined by their materials. Additions like patent leather left sneaker aficionado’s in awe and disbelief. Now its more of a customary offering to opulence in footwear, more or less. The Nike Blazer Mid has many premium offerings. Today, the style is updated in a “Patent Leather Snake” option for the fairer sex. Fashioned in black patent leather paired with faux snakeskin, the matrimony adds another layer to the “Triple Black” realm of sneakers – where black tones evoke a sense of sophistication and edge. Do you agree? Take a look after the break and stay up-to-date with Blazer Mid drops at Sneaker Release Dates.
Source: Cali Roots
Nike WMNS Blazer Mid PRM Leather
Color: Black/Black-Light Ash Grey
Style Code: 685225-001