Here’s a recap of this week’s shoes that were seen in the NBA. The biggest news surprisingly does not come from Jordan or Nike but instead adidas and their Gil II Zero collection. adidas and Gilbert Arenas came together this year to put together a strong collection of twenty colorways of the Gil II Zero’s including a number of collaborations with brands, cartoon characters, video games, and streetwear brands. The best pair in the collection could be the UNDRCRWN x adidas collaboration pair that we featured last week and Gil did no disappoint as he wore these in his second game back. Nike continues to make it’s push with it’s guards and the Zoom BB II; Derron Williams of the Utah Jazz might have the best PE with his White/University Blue pair. The Swoosh also introduces the Sharkley, a Nike Basketball Hybrid creation, and continues to utilize Kevin Durant with the Air Flight Skool and Kobe Bryand and his Zoom Kobe III. Of course we didn’t forget about Jordan, as they continue to make their push with the Jordan II PE for Josh Howard and Joe Johnson.In addition we see a nice PE of the CP3 in the New Orleans Hornets’ Yellow/Aqua.
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