Purists tend to scoff at the idea of re-introducing classic sneakers with re-tooled and slightly redesigned construction. Well, the concept behind the Huarache and the Free are rather similar, as both were designed not only to reduce weight, but to create the truest barefoot ride. The Nike Huarache line debuted in the early 90’s and featured a funky ‘window’ on the upper ankle and an inner bootie that locked the foot down. The Free, which finally surfaced in 2004 after a decade of research, was created to give runners a ‘barefoot’, free-style vibe (it came during the parkour craze). Combining the two should create a sum greater than its parts, which is why the we expect both the Huar-Free 2012s to be sneaker purchases for performances as well as for nostalgic reasons. Be sure to catch both of these rehashed classics tonight at midnight at Nikestore, or tomorrow at House of Hoops locations, or grab either one of the two right now on eBay.
Nike Huarache Free 2012
White/Black-Pure Purple-Soar (Basketball)
White/White-Blue Emerald-Resin (Running)