The “Denim” Nike LeBron X will release in Asia on June 22nd. For the record, we’ve already confirmed the same release date for European stockists, so it’s looking more and more like the sneakers will also be in the US on that same day. We’re not gonna jump the gun on that just yet though, but either way you can rest assured that the “Denim” Nike LeBron X isn’t too far out. Continue reading to see the latest shots of the sneakers and get your pair a little bit early with the help of ultimatestuff_2012 on eBay.
UPDATE: The U.S. release date for the Nike LeBron X EXT “Denim” has also been confirmed for June 22.
Nike LeBron X EXT “Denim”
Midnight Navy/Midnight Navy-Hazelnut-Fireberry
Info: Yamatoko FG