The NCAA is back in session as teams around the country opened up conference play and its safe to say that the holidays were abound with some brand new sneakers for some college budgets. Oregon continues to get laced up in the premium Beaverton connection, sporting the usual enticingly vibrant Nike Zoom Soldier 7s and Nike KD 6s. Meanwhile, the Tar Heels faced off against Wake Forest in an ACC battle that also doubled as a proving ground for which team sported the better Jordans – while the Demon Deacons took home the victory, it’s still up for you to decide who had the better set of kicks as plenty of Jordan CP3.VIIs and even a University Blue Air Jordan II made appearances. As always stick with us after the click for the first installment of the year for our NCAA Feet recap and let us know which pair was your favorite in the comments.
Source: ESPN/USAtoday/CBSsports