Two living legends combine for this upcoming collection by adidas Originals, featuring a special set of sneakers from Pharrell Williams and Stan Smith. With Pharrell’s Tennis Hu model being heavily influenced by the iconic Stan Smith—the sneaker, not the man—it was only fitting that the music and style luminary would eventually team up with the tennis legend that the shoe is named after. The “Icons Pack” features a full range of the original Stan Smith and modern Tennis Hu, each in sets of matching pastel hues. Including soft tones of pink, green, blue, and red, the new and old sneaker designs alternate between completely tonal and the Stan Smith’s traditional two-tone color block. Each Stan Smith is built in premium full-grain leather, while the Tennis Hu comes in mesh.
The Tennis Hu “Icons Pack” releases August 10th at select adidas Originals retailers globally, priced at $110 per pair for each model.
adidas Tennis Hu + Stan Smith “Icons Pack”
Release Date: August 10th, 2017
Where To Buy adidas Tennis Hu “Icons” Pack
- Finish Line10:00 AM EST
- SNSRaw Pink only
- eBay
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