“I got all this cos I’m faaaaast!”
When you watch this new Slim Chin video by adidas Basketball, be mindful of the fact that actor/comedian Ken Jeong is not just a comedic genius, but a doctor! Jeong graduated from Duke and got his MD at UNC, so he’s probably one of the brightest guys you’ll ever see telling a joke for cash, and he has a simple formula for how you too can live in the lap of luxury: SPEED. In Slim Chin’s latest spot, he’s seen leaving Kenny Powers’ ambitions for excess in the dust with a solid gold jetski taking laps in a caviar-filled swimming pool. What does that have to do with Three Stripes slasher Derrick Rose? The Chicago Bulls point guard is among the fleetest of feet in the NBA, and you can see just how that quickness translates through his new adidas adiZero Rose into riches by clicking the jump below for the full video.