As we all collectively gather our thoughts on the latest creation from the Jeremy Scott and adidas Originals lineage, more detailed looks of the sneaker in question surface. The Wings 3.0 are without doubt something to behold. With creativity to spare and shock value at maximum levels, its clear that the New York-based designer has won half the battle before the shoes official release this weekend. What comes next is the hard part – complete acceptance of the shoe from the sneaker community. That, for all intents and purposes, is the difficult part. Unless, of course, A$AP Rocky just makes a song and tells everyone to wear them, much like how “Multiply” denounces HBA and Been Trill. Either way, the Wings 3.0 will be a shoe that acts as a critical component to the footwear landscape in 2014. Whether it has a positive or negative impact, and the ramifications of each, remains to be seen.
Source: hanon