Today, Foot Locker Inc. officially unveils their brand new App Launch Reservation Procedure, a mobile tool that allows users to reserve their favorite upcoming launches at nearby Foot Locker locations without the need to visit the store until the launch day. The reservation procedure is simple and straightforward; using the Foot Locker App, search for your favorite shoe, select your nearby Foot Locker locations, and see what the launch procedure is for that particular release. If reservations are online, you now have access to submit an entry, but there are “head starts” that can be achieved through certain incentives such as being a VIP member and much more. Currently, the App Reservation is currently being tested in Tampa, FL for the release of the Air Jordan 11 Low releases on June 4th, and soon enough it will be available nationwide. For more details on this new App, check the step-by-step guide below and check out their official info page here.